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About me


Hi there ! Acads wise I hold a M.Tech. (Master Of Technology) degree in Computer Applications from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India (passout of Dec-1999).
Prior to this, I've done a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from
G.B.Pant University Of Ag & Technology, Pantnagar, Nainital (UP state), India .

More on the basics: I give more emphasis to the family values in the present day life. It is a special feature of a human society and should be maintained. Probably this is the only factor that distinguishes a human from other species of the earth.

Acads Details

Projects Done During Studies

Study of the Wavelength Routing Techniques in Gigabit Computer Networks : The Project involved the simulation of an Gigabit ARPANET network using TCL scripts.
Parallel computation implementation: The project involved the implementation of parallel computation algorithms on a 6-processor IBM machine with PVM-C (parallel Virtual Machine -C) language.
Implementation of B-Spline and Bezier curve algorithms on JAVA 1.2 using the applets.
Database utilization: The project involved the report generation using the Pro*C scripts with Oracle 7.3 as a backend.

Computer Languages and Lab

Operating system : Unix, Linux,Windows NT/95
Languages: JAVA-1.2, C++, C, Prolog, Pascal, COBOL, LISP
DataBases: Oracle -7.3, dBase-IV.
Hardware Labs : Programming using the Kit of Intel-8085, written the assembler for 8086 using C language

Main Stream Courses

Algorithm Analysis and Design
Data Structures
Microprocessor and Microcomputers
Computer Networks
Parallel Computing
Switching and Automata Theory
Compiler Design
Elements of Computer Operating Systems
Computer System Software
Data Processing
Programming Languages Concepts
File System and Data Management
Artificial Intellegence using Prolog
Computer Graphics
Software Engineering
Management Information Systems
Relational Database Management Systems
Digital and Analog Electronics
Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques
Numerical Optimization
Graph Theory
Introduction to programming using pascal

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